vongolaprimo ohhh snap dood.
eytang8@yahoo.com what is it?
vongolaprimo I can use Artes in the air now in Tales lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Kewell
vongolaprimo anyways, what's up?
eytang8@yahoo.com Nothing much
vongolaprimo lol same here
vongolaprimo I had to move stuff around again
eytang8@yahoo.com I just kinda hung around the house
vongolaprimo lol there's nothing else to do
eytang8@yahoo.com Got a bunch of cash for my upcoming birthday
vongolaprimo dammn
vongolaprimo really?
vongolaprimo wow that's cool
vongolaprimo oh yeah when's ur birthday?
eytang8@yahoo.com April 14
vongolaprimo oh....
vongolaprimo uh
vongolaprimo happy birthday in advance I guess
eytang8@yahoo.com Thanks
vongolaprimo sorry if I can't get u anything right now I'm broke lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Naw, I don't expect anything
eytang8@yahoo.com From anyone, really...
vongolaprimo hmm
vongolaprimo lol liar..I bet u are..like..well idk forget what I said lol
eytang8@yahoo.com There's obviously someone I'd like to appreciate my brithday
eytang8@yahoo.com but that's not the point
vongolaprimo yea
vongolaprimo lol
vongolaprimo if only you guys could've gotten close, maybe...but well idk
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah, I wish
eytang8@yahoo.com Either way, it's just gonna be with family
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, I dunno, she might draw something or give something or whatever
vongolaprimo oh..
vongolaprimo does she know about it?
eytang8@yahoo.com I wish
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
vongolaprimo that's cool
eytang8@yahoo.com She does
vongolaprimo I wish the girl I like would at least say something or greet me
vongolaprimo but I don't even think that's going to happen
vongolaprimo no one would greet me
eytang8@yahoo.com ...
vongolaprimo lol forget I said that
eytang8@yahoo.com Ah, yes...
eytang8@yahoo.com I wish....
vongolaprimo yeah...
vongolaprimo don't worry, ur not the only one..hahaha.